Energy Saving A/C

Jun 21, 2010 A new A/C technology has been invented which will reduce energy consumption by 50 to 90% which is really amazing. Also it’s not using CFC. This kind of technology is a boon to both the environment and people.

Categories : Environment

Google TV

Jun 18, 2010

From what I can understand after seeing the video hosted on, it’s a Google search interface for TV channels.
Also there is feature to bookmark TV channels.

More about Google TV in this LifeHacker blog post -

Categories : TV

Online javascript/json beautifier or reverse obfuscator

Jun 17, 2010

It does a wonderful job , especially useful when you want to understand 3rd party obfuscated javascript code

Categories : JavaScript

Free kids fairytale ebooks

Jun 17, 2010

Found this website offering free ebooks, while reading this Ajaxian article -

Also you can find here - list of ebook readers, both devices, and PC or desktop applications which can be used to read the ebooks.

Categories : Ebook   Kids

My Hudson instance occasionally tells me that I have multiple instances running

Jun 15, 2010

Do you get this kind of error “Hudson detected that you appear to be running more than one instance of Hudson that share the same home directory”

then its possibly because there are 2 instances of Hudson running.

I got this error when I deployed Hudson war in Tomcat server and set the ROOT context to point to the Hudson web application. Google search gave me this Hudson discussion link, which lead me to the solution.

I checked the running applications using Tomcat Manager web application, and found that 2 Hudson apps were installed one running at context /hudson and another at ROOT context. Solution to this problem was to remove the>

entry from server.xml and then rename hudson directory under webapps to ROOT directory

Categories : CI   Hudson