I am using Pandora in PC either through Boxee or Web Browser, so I can’t comment about using it on Iphone, but why I like and why I think its increasing its users base is because

  • Its free
  • I like the way the UI is designed, its simple yet captures all the needs like search, feedback like, don’t like etc
  • Very good at creating stations which I think are like playlists which you don’t have to create
  • Allows users to be exposed and explore the world music, because before using Pandora I was very rare listener of music , but after being introduced to it, I have started listening to music atleast 3 times a week.>How Pandora Grew to Get 60 Million Listeners One of my long-standing beliefs is that when you add connectivity to any device, you open up a new world of opportunities. Whether it’s the dashboard in your car, your television screen or simply your gaming machine, Internet changes everything. One company that seems to have taken that lesson to heart is Pandora, which after nearly ten years of struggle has hit its stride and is growing at a rapid clip. Today, the company announced it has 60 mil … Read More via GigaOM