Photo Factory - PBS Parents

Jul 6, 2010

This is a cool service, which creates a photo of your precious little ones with PBS cartoon characters like “Curious George”, “Elmo”, “Super Why” etc. [caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”476” caption=”Photo Factory - Curious George”] Photo Factory Sample[/caption]

Categories : Kids

How to save font settings for PuTTY

Jun 30, 2010

I was using PuTTY at a screen resolution of 1600x1200, in which the default font setting caused the text too small to read. So I changed the font to 12px size, and it looked fine, but when I exited it and logged in back again, the font settings were gone. Then I figured out that you have to change the font settings and then come back to Sessions page and enter “Host Name” and save the session. So next time , you select the saved session and click on load to login to the host with the saved font settings.

Putty settings

Categories : Linux   SSH

Web Performance Test Tools

Jun 25, 2010





From my analysis all the above tools are good and offer advanced features.

Categories : Web   Performance

jQuery Grid / Table Data Plugins

Jun 25, 2010

Common requirement in any web application development is to show data in Grid / Tabular format.

I suggest using jqGrid plugin, because it offers all the features that will be required in a Grid from simple to advanced. And also it is coupled with jQueryUI which allows you to theme the Grid in sync with jQueryUI themes.

Here is a stack overflow threadwhich discuss about best jQuery plugins for Grid or Table.

Categories : jQuery   JavaScript

jQuery AJAX multipart form-data file upload

Jun 21, 2010

jQuery Form plugin provides AJAX form upload capabilities . Since XMLHttpRequest does not support upload , the plugin does it neatly using hidden iframe

Categories : jQuery   JavaScript