A collection is a object that groups multiple elements into a single unit.

List of core collection Java interfaces.*Collection - This interface is the least common denominator that all collections implement and is used to pass collections around and manipulate them where maximum generality is desired.

*Set - A collection that cannot contain duplicate elements

*List - A ordered collection that can contain duplicate elements. Elements can be accessed by their integer index.

*Queue - A collection which orders elements in first-in, first-out manner.

*Map - An object which maps keys to values. There cannot be duplicate keys.

*SortedSet - A set that maintains its elements in ascending order.

*SortedMap - A map that maintains its mappings in ascending order. Ways to traverse a collection.


for (Object o : collection) System.out.println(o);

*Iterators - It enables to traverse a collection and to remove elements selectively. Iterator.remove is the only safe way to modify a collection during iteration

static void filter(Collection<?> c) { for (Iterator<?> it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) if (!cond(it.next())) it.remove(); } toArray method - translates collection to array.

Object[] a = c.toArray(); String[] a = c.toArray(new String[0]); Set Implementations.

*HashSet - Stores elements in hash table. Good performance, but makes no guarantee about order.

*TreeSet - Stores elements in red-black tree, orders elements by values, slower than HashSet. SortedSet implementation.

*LinkedHashSet - Implements a hash table with a linked list running through it, orders elements based on the order in which they were inserted. List Implementations.

*ArrayList - provides constant time positional access and is fast

*LinkedList - offers better performance under certain circumstances. If you add elements to beginning of list or iterate over the list to delete elements. Map Implementations.

*HashMap - Provides maximum speed, but not ordered.

*TreeMap - Ordered by the keys. SortedMap implementation.

*LinkedHashMap - Provides intermediate performance of the above two implementation. Ordered by insertion. References
