JavaScript Iterators were added in ECMAScript 2015(ES6). It allows JavaScript objects to specify how custom objects can be used in for...of loops. For a object to be iterable it must implement iteratorMethod. When object needs to be iterated is iteratorMethod is called with no arguments. The iteratorMethod returns a iterator. The object must have a property which is available via a constant Symbol.Iterator. The value of the property must be the iterator method. An object is a iterator if it has a next function which is a zero argument function that returns a object with atleast two properties done(boolean) - Has value true when the iterator has completed its sequence. Has value false if the iterator was able to produce next value in the sequence. value - Any JavaScript value returned by the iterator.

let fooIterator = {
    next: function() {
        if (this.counter < 10) {
            this.counter ++;
            return { value: this.counter, done: false };
        return { value: undefined, done: true };
    counter: 0,
    [Symbol.iterator]: function() {
        return this;

for (let value of fooIterator) {
    console.log(value); // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
