REST stands for Representational State Transfer

5 key principles of REST are -*Give everything a ID Examples

  • Link things together Links help to refer to identifiable things

  • Use standard methods GET- To retrieve a representation. Its idempotent, meaning that has no additional effect if it is called more than once with the same input parameters PUT - update this resource with this data, or create it at this URI if it’s not there already. Its idempotent. DELETE - delete a resource. Its idempotent. POST - create a new resource. Its not idempotent.

  • Resources with multiple representations Provide multiple representations of resources for different needs.

  • Communicate statelessly A server should not have to retain some sort of communication state for any of the clients it communicates with beyond a single request. The most obvious reason for this is scalability — the number of clients interacting would seriously impact the server’s footprint if it had to keep client state.

