Hudson Environmental Variables
If you want to quickly find out the environmental variables available in your Hudson instance go to the following URL
All things HTML5
Found this neat graphic through this Ajaxian blog post
It shows the features of HTML5 and also the different browsers support for the same.
Cooliris Firefox plugin
Cooliris gives a interface which seems more natural for viewing photos or videos instead of clicking next and previous buttons. This interface seems to be similar to the one shown in this TED talk presentation [ted id=872]
Installing Git in CentOS using yum
I wanted to install Git in CentOS release 5.3, but running command
yum install Git
did not work. Then I found this blog which gave instruction on how to do it.
Git pull without password
I wanted to avoid Git asking for password every time I do
git pull
Since Git client was using SSH for communicating with the Git server, the solution was to configure SSH between the Git client machine and Git server machine to be done without password. I found this web page with clear explanation of how to do this.