Firefox and IE Memory Profiler

May 19, 2010

For Firefox, there is this addon more details about the tool here - Memory Profiler. But this addon is not available for Firefox 3.6.3, So if you are planning to use this plugin you have to install Firefox 3.5

For IE, you can use tool called Drip , and documentation about the tool usage and the common causes for memory leaks explained here

Categories : Firefox   IE   Memory

Running different versions of Firefox

May 4, 2010

I was using latest version of Firefox 3.6.3,  but wanted to install a add on which works only on Firefox 3.5.  But I didn’t want to uninstall my latest Firefox. 

Solution for this was to

  • Install  Firefox 3.5 into a different folder from the existing  Firefox installation. 
  • Then I started the Firefox 3.5 with -P option, to  get the Profile dialog and created a new profile for  Firefox 3.5. 
  • Then started Firefox 3.5 with the new profile.
Categories : Firefox

Print to PDF

May 3, 2010

Frequently I have faced situations where I had to print a page, but I didn’t have a printer. For example say I ordered for a camera on, and It gives a order confirmation page which I want to print for later reference.  So for this what I do is use tool called CutePDF ,  this tool after installation adds a virtual printer. When you print to this virtual printer, it converts the printed file to PDF format and gives a save dialog to save to hard disk location.

In case you are using Ubuntu Linux,  Ubuntu Linux by self has option of print to file, where you can select either .ps or .pdf format

Categories : PDF   Print

Merge PDF

Apr 22, 2010

I have had couple of occasions where I had to print more than 1 PDF file, but problem was if I sent each PDF one by one to the printer, the printer prints each PDF with this own covering page. This was not environmentally good, because we are wasting not 1 covering page, but more. So I searched and found this nice tool, which takes in PDFs and gives output merged as 1 PDF.

Categories : PDF   Print

HTTPS and Cache

Apr 21, 2010

Does browser cache HTTPS responses?

This was a question I had while doing development.  Giving below my findings,

Did some debugging with Firebug and Fiddler. Firebug was showing 304(not modified) response code for the files from the server over https. Fiddler was showing 200 response code for the files, and it didn’t show the response headers.

Also I searched and found these articles, which discuss about this condition

My conclusion is browser is caching HTTPS reponses, if the response headers have the required cache related headers

References :

Categories : Web   HTTP