JavaScript data types, variables, variable scope, literals, hoisting
Data types
JavaScript has six primitive data types,
- A variable that has not been assigned a value is of type undefined
- A special keyword denoting a null value.
Boolean - A logical entity that consists of either a true
or false
Number - A set of numerical digits that represent a number.
String - A set of zero or more characters.
Symbol - It is a new feature in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). Symbols are tokens that serve as unique IDs.
You can use variables as symbolic names for values in application. The names of variables, is called identifiers. Variables can be declared with keyword var
Variable scope
When you declare variables outside of function , its called global variable. When you declare within a function, its called local variable. JavaScript does not have block statement scope.
You can refer to variable declared later without getting exception. This concept is called “Hoisting”, variables in JavaScript are in a sense “hoisted” or lifted to the top of the function.
You can create read-only, named constant with const
keyword. A constant cannot change value through assignment.
These are fixed values, not variables, that you literally provide in you script.
- Array Literals
var coffees = ["French Roast","Colombian","Kona"];
- Boolean Literals
The boolean type has two literal values true
, false
- Object Literals
An object literal is a list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object, enclosed in curly braces.
var solarSystem = {
planets: ['mercury', 'venus', 'neptune', 'mars', 'earth', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus']
- String literals
A string literal is zero or more characters enclosed in double or single quotation marks.
- Template literals
EcmaScript2015(ES6) introduced Template literals. They are text enclosed in back ticks instead of double or single quotes.
`Hello world!`
JavaScript binding, function apply, function call
In JavaScript, binding is always explicit, and can be easily lost, so a method using “this” will not refer to the proper object in all situations, unless you force it to. JavaScript provides two options to do explicit binding “apply” and “call”.
Every JavaScript function is equipped with “apply” method that allows you to call the function with specific binding. I takes two arguments, the binding object and an array of arguments to be passed to the function.
fun.apply(thisArg[, argsArray])
“Call” method is similar to “apply”, but it takes the arguments themselves not an array.[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])
JavaScript event delegation
JavaScript event delegation is a simple technique by which you add a single event handler to a parent element in order to avoid having to add event handlers to multiple child elements.
Event capturing
Netscape defined an approach called event capturing, where events occur on the highest object in the DOM tree and then work down to the deepest element affected by the event.
Event bubbling
IE defined event bubbling. The deepest element affected by the event should receive the event first , then its parent, etc., until the document object finally receives the event.
W3C DOM level 2 events specification defines both event bubbling and capturing. First the document receives the event, then the capturing phase commences to the most specific element affected by the event. Once the event is handled by the element, it bubbles back up to the document.
- Less event handlers to setup and reside in memory.
- No need to re-attach handlers after a DOM update.
JavaScript private public privileged access
The members of an object are all public members. There are two ways for putting members in a new object.
In Constructor
function Container(param) {
this.member = param;
In the prototype
This technique is used to add public methods.
Container.prototype.stamp = function (string) {
return this.member + string;
Private members are made by the constructor. Ordinary vars and parameters of the constructor become the private members.
function Container(param) {
this.member = param;
var secret = 3;
var that = this;
A privileged method is able to access private methods, variables and is itself accessible to the public method and the outside. Privileged methods are assigned with “this” within the constructor.
function Container(param) {
this.member = param;
this.service = function () {
return this.member;
JavaScript function declaration, function expression, Function constructor, Anonymous function
Function declaration
function name([param[, param[, ... param]]]) {
function sum(a, b)
return a + b;
name - The function name
param - The name of the argument to be passed to the function. A function can have up to 255 arguments.
statements - The body of the function
Function expression
function [name]([param] [, param] [..., param]) {
var sum = function(a, b) { return a + b; }
Anonymous function
The name can be omitted in which case it becomes anonymous function. Anonymous functions can help make code more concise when declaring a function that will only be used in one place.
var ar = [1,2,3];
var newAr = { return e * 2});
console.log(newAr); //[2,4,6]
Function constructor
Function objects can be created with new operator
new Function (arg1, arg2, ... argN, functionBody)
var sum = new Function('a','b', 'return a + b;');
arg1, arg2, … argN - zero or more names to be used by the function as argument names
functionBody - A string containing JavaScript statements forming the function body.