How to write Git commit message
Below are The seven rules of a great Git commit message.
- Separate subject from body with a blank line
- Limit the subject line to 50 characters
- Capitalize the subject line
- Do not end the subject line with a period
- Use the imperative mood in the subject line
- Wrap the body at 72 characters
Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
- References
How to search bash command history in Emacs multi term
C-r in Emacs multi term invokes (isearch-backward) command. To search bash command history we can use M-r instead.
- Reference
How to configure multi term in Emacs to allow login shell
To configure multi term in Emacs to allow login shell
(setq multi-term-program-switches "--login")
- Reference
Responsive vs Adaptive Design
Responsive Design - Responsive websites respond to the browser size at any given point. No matter the browser width, the site adjusts its layout.
Adaptive Design - Adaptive websites adapt to the browser size at specific points.
Reference -
Difference between CSS reset and normalize
- Preserves useful defaults rather than “unstyling” everything.
- Corrects some common bugs that are out of scope for reset.css.
- Doesn’t clutter your dev tools.
- Is more modular.
- Has better documentation.
- Reference