Moon Phase Calculator - Choose month and year to view the moon phases for each day of the month.
Sun Rise Sun Set Calculator - Choose month and year to view the sun rise and sun set for each day of the month.
Rahu Kaalam Calculator - Choose month and year to view the Rahu Kaalam for each day of the month. (Rahu Kaalam - Certain period of time every day that is considered inauspicious)
Tithi Calcuator - Choose month and year to view the Tithi and Pakasha for each day of the month. Tithi plays an important role along with nakshatra in Hindus' daily as well as special activities in selecting the muhurta.
Nakshatra Calcuator - Choose month and year to view the nakshatra for each day of the month. Nakshatras, the lunar zodiac of Vedic Astrology.
Math Problem Generator. Generate addition, subtraction, linear equation, quadratic equation problems with solutions.